
Keeping the foodservice equipment marketplace up to date with the latest menu and concept trends.


Coffee and its offshoot drinks are a cultural staple. Americans drink 400 million cups of coffee per day, making the U.S. a leader in consumption of this beverage. New York-based IBISWorld reports there are 63,630 coffee and snack shops in the U.S. as of 2021, an increase of 2.6% from 2020.

With New York City now introducing electrification mandates in the name of sustainability, the electric kitchen may come up in more conversations.

Green initiatives continue to generate notice among consumers.

A symbol of Americana, pies represent the third-most common dessert offerings on restaurant menus today, after cakes and cheesecakes, according to Chicago-based Datassential.

As we look ahead to the new year, what’s trending and what’s coming up in the industry always seem to be top of mind.

Five kitchen experts weigh in on the most pertinent equipment pieces for today’s kitchens.

FE&S Kitchen Storage Makeover Winner Harborcreek Youth Services: How a dated kitchen space at a nonprofit facility turned into an efficient, well-organized workspace with a purpose.

The K-12 sector — like others in the foodservice industry — has had a rough go this past couple of years as the pandemic continues. During the height of school closures, foodservice directors have had to think through big-picture changes to improve the safety of their operations, while aligning with future goals to offer the students of tomorrow a wider variety of delicious, nutritious food.

New realities have shifted space allocation strategies.

The last two years have brought major disruptions to the restaurant and foodservice industry —for better or for worse.

Like so many other hospitality providers, hotel restaurants have undergone an identity shift.

Three years ago, no one would have been able to tell you what a virtual foodservice brand was or what it was for. Today, many people still do not know. And yet, virtual brands continue to pop up all over the industry — so much so that they can be considered their own market segment.

A broader, more dynamic version of self-service is emerging.

Burgers serve as a staple on many restaurant menus but have received an overhaul by way of more premium meat blends and upscale toppings. Using high-end meat, such as wagyu, is one of the most favored megatrends among consumers, with more than 40% expressing interest, according to Chicago-based Datassential.

Ever heard of the term “flex kitchen?” That was new to me when Bella Karakis, CEO, founder e.terra, first introduced the concept.
